
By way of the most advanced medical and surgical techniques, the otorhinolaryngologists of Clínica Corachan can comprehensively attend ear, nose and larynx pathologies. The otorhinolaryngology department of Clínica Corachan provides medical and surgical care to patients with problems of the ears, nose, larynx, pharynx and cervicofacial region.

Our professionals apply the most appropriate treatments for each case using studies of audiometry, endoscopies and balance tests among others.

In coordination with the neurosurgery service, our otorhinologists participate actively in the surgical approach of certain pathologies of the base of the skull using nasal endoscopy.

In terms of healthcare, it focuses on several areas of excellence such as:

  • Advanced endonasal endoscopic surgery.
  • Surgery of the septum and nasal pyramid.
  • Tumours and cancers of the head and neck.
  • Otoneurology (vertigo).

The department offers medical assistance to patients of all ages and maintains close collaboration with the paediatric department of the Corachan Clinic, sharing medical and surgical protocols to provide personalized treatment for each child.

The specialists of the department work together with other professionals of the Hospital to offer the best possible treatment to patients. The collaboration with other specialties such as Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery, Ophthalmology, Oncology, Diagnostic Imaging (radiodiagnosis), PneumologyAllergy and Pathology is noteworthy.

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