
X-rays are a form of radiation, like light or radio waves, that pass through most objects. This radiation passes through the body and strikes a digital detector forming an image that is stored electronically.

How it is performed?

The technician places the patient in the most appropriate position to be able to visualize the area to be explored. The patient is laid out on a gurney or leans against a wall support, and the image is acquired. During this process, you will have to remain in that position and, in some cases, also hold your breath.

Once the X-ray has been taken, the technician will reposition the patient and repeat the process as many times as the number of examinations requested by the prescribing physician.

At the end of the test, they will make you wait until it is checked that the quality of the images is correct.

What discomfort can one cause?

An X-ray is a painless procedure. In the case of tests that require the administration of some type of contrast, the administration of it (puncture, enema, probe, etc.) can be uncomfortable, but not painful.

What risks can it cause?

To take a radiograph, the minimum dose of X-rays necessary is used to obtain the image and the diagnostic benefit. X-rays can be harmful to the development of a foetus. Therefore, if you think you are or may be pregnant, please let the technician know.

The iodinated contrast is a generally well tolerated substance, although in some cases it can cause allergic reactions that are usually mild and very exceptionally serious.

Our centre is prepared to respond to any reaction to the contrast. The barium contrast does not cause any type of allergic reaction. If you have ever had an allergic reaction, please let the technician know.

What alternatives are there?

There are other diagnostic techniques for imaging (resonance, scanner, radiology, scintigraphy, etc.), each of which is indicated for a specific diagnostic orientation.

List of test


  • Rx Thorax

Interventional diagnosis

  • Breast biopsy

Face and neck

  • Rx cervical vertebrae
  • Rx Cranium
  • Orthopantomograpy
  • Teleradiography

Feminine pelvis

  • Rx Abdomen
  • CUMS
  • Hysterosalpingography
  • Rx Pelvis
  • Urethrography


  • Rx Abdomen
  • Postoperative cholangiography (Trans-kher)
  • Upper gastrointestinal tract
  • Opaque enema
  • Esophagogram
  • Pyelography
  • Simple Renal Rx
  • Intestinal transit


  • Rx Cranium

Bones, joints and muscles

  • Rx cervical vertebrae
  • Rx lumbar and dorsal vertebrae
  • Rx Cranium
  • Scoliogram
  • Rx Pelvis
  • Telemetry


  • Rx cervical vertebrae
  • Rx lumbar and dorsal vertebrae
  • Telemetry


  • Breast biopsy
  • Galactography
  • Mammography
  • Breast marking


  • Rx Thorax

Male pelvis

  • Rx Abdomen
  • CUMS
  • Rx Pelvis
  • Urethrography

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