The Clínica Corachan Neurodevelopment Unit aims to offer a comprehensive response to the needs of children, teenagers and their families in the field of health and learning. We have a multidisciplinary team of professionals who are highly specialised in assessing and treating children with developmental difficulties, behavioural disorders and/or learning difficulties.
The services included in the neurodevelopment unit are the following:
- Clinical and perinatal psychology
- Neuropsychology
- Clinical child psychology
- Early care
- Paediatric physiotherapy and psychomotricity
- Speech therapy and Myofunctional therapy
- Occupational therapy and Sensorial integration
- Music therapy
The unit has specific programmes designed to provide differential care for children and their families depending on the difficulties they have and their age. The care programmes are:
- Stimulation and overall care to the development of the neonate and premature baby
- Specialist care in Autism Spectrum Disorders and General Disorders of Family Development and in early infancy
- Care for adoption
- Emotional and behavioural disorder
- Learning disorders and difficulties
- Stimulation and rehabilitation for neurogenetic syndromes and other neurological diseases
When to contact us
It is often difficult for parents or family members to be able to guide the demand to a given service depending on the symptoms their child shows. But, when should we see a specialist? Below, we will indicate some of the symptoms that can be taken into account when requesting an assessment at our unit. If you have any doubts, please contact our team.
- Difficulties during pregnancy, prematurity, neurogenetic alterations and syndromes.
- Developmental difficulties during the first year.
- Learning difficulties. Significant drop in school performance or low grades.
- Difficulty in social skills and in solving conflicts among peers.
- Sleep alterations (night terrors, nightmares, insomnia or hypersomnia).
- Eating alterations.
- Difficulty in concentrating and paying attention.
- Difficulty in following rules and limits. Challenging behaviour.
- Frequent aggressions to people, objects, animals, etc.
- Problems with regular attendance at school. Absenteeism.
- Concern and anxiety, sadness, frequent mood changes.
- Excessive, habitual temper tantrums. Little tolerance to frustration.
- Responses not in keeping with the emotions. Low self-esteem.
- Continuous stealing and/or lying.
- Obsessive thoughts or compulsive behaviour. Withdrawal or isolation.
- Addictive relationships (with substances, people, mobile phones, video games, new technologies, etc.).