High risk pregnancy

Sometimes, depending on the background, clinical history, or during pregnancy, accompanying factors that classify pregnancy at medium or high risk are detected. This diagnosis does not imply a poor outcome for the mother, nor for the baby, if the advice of our specialists is followed and the pregnant woman is attended in the appropriate risk units of the Corachan Clinic.

The risk study is important to implement good planning and adapt the resources according to the need, properly informing the pregnant woman and her companion, trying not to create unnecessary worries.

The frequency of controls varies according to the pregnancy’s degree of risk. Usually weight control, blood pressure, analytical studies to rule out diseases and ultrasound controls are performed to know your baby’s condition.

The training of specialists accompanied by the latest technology enable the most appropriate risk management. The Corachan Clinic’s Neonatal Unit and the Adult Intensive Care Unit reinforce good management in complicated cases.

Risk management according to pathologies:

  • Multiple pregnancy
  • Risk of prematurity
  • Hypertension and pregnancy (pre-eclampsia)
  • Defects of foetal growth
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Infectious maternal pathology
  • Foetal pathology

At Corachan Dona, we offer:

  • Experienced specialists in obstetric risk, and a multidisciplinary prenatal team based on the existing pathology.
  • Neonatal Unit and Adult Intensive Care Unit.
  • Advanced technology that enables diagnosis and monitoring of these cases.

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